2007 - Roczniki Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu 383, Seria Ogrodnictwo 41: 445-449

Kamila Czerniak, Eugeniusz Ko³ota

Ocena plonowania odmian buraka liœciowego
w uprawie jesiennej

Z Katedry Ogrodnictwa
Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego we Wroc³awiu

Abstract. ‘Bresanne’ cv. of Swiss chard produced the highest marketable yield of leaf blades and petioles in the case of growing for autumn harvest. Generally, leaf blades of this vegetable species contained higher amounts of dry matter and Mg, while petioles accumulated more nitrates, K and Ca.

Key words: Swiss chard, cultivars, yield, nutritional value


The evaluation of Swiss chard cultivars in autumn growing


In a field experiment conducted in 2004-2005 there was evaluated the suitability of Swiss chard cultivars for autumn harvest. The best yielding appeared to be ‘Bresanne’ cv., followed by ‘Green White Ribbed’ and ‘Green Silver’ cvs. The lowest tendency for nitrates accumulation in leaf blades was observed in ‘Green White Ribbed’ cv. (713 mg·kg-1 f.m.), and in petioles in ‘Green Silver’ cv. (1875 mg·kg-1 f.m.). Irrespective of the cultivar, the higher amounts of dry matter and Mg were found in leaf blades, while nitrates, K and Ca in petioles.